Recreative Resources



A few benefits of laughter (there are many more)

Laughter can increase happiness, playfulness, bliss, spontaneity, control, empowerment and overall quality of life. In addition, laughter can decrease stress, fears, anger, sadness, frustration, etc. It’s the ultimate beat the blues activity! There are various biological effects from laughing. Laughter can actually lower blood pressure, but this is temporary. Laughter can also release endorphins which helps one to relax, lower stress, and even block pain. In addition, it is said that laugher can boost the immune system, enhance breathing and oxygen, and much more. Laughter really is the best medicine!



Tips for Developing a Sense of Humor

  • Have you ever noticed that some people are just naturally funny? Well, even if you aren’t a funny natural, you can develop and enhance your sense of humor. Here are a few tips to help you unleash your inner guffaw.
  • Surround yourself with funny people. Let that funny rub off on you. Laughter is contagious.
  • Figure out the nature of your sense of humor. We aren’t all born with the gift of funny and that’s ok. However, think about your own sense of humor. What makes you laugh?
  • Become more playful and silly. When is the last time you danced for no reason in public? Or how about stomping in puddles, or popping bubble wrap?
  • Tell jokes and funny stories. There are a lot of websites that have funny material. Keep a file of your favorites.
  • Get one of those daily calendars that has a joke of the day. This only works if you change the date and actually read the funny!
  • Look for the humor in everything. It may be hidden but be a humor detective and find the funny.


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  • Spend more time with children. Let’s face it. Kids are silly. They live in the now. We need to take their lead more often and put the fun back in our lives. Children can help you find your inner child again!
  • Watch more comedies. Seems like many of us spend more time watching horror movies, thrillers, sci-fi, and so on. Try selecting a funny movie or TV show for a change of scenery. It really helps to uplift the mood.
  • Read funny stories. Facebook, YouTube, and other social media, is full of funny material. I’ve had many a good chuckle myself. How about you?

  • Let go of some of your inhibition. Sadly, some people don’t like to laugh because they don’t like their smile, or it gives them more wrinkles. Or perhaps they don’t want to look weird laughing in public, or may feel that being happy is not acceptable. But laughter is for everyone. Who cares what others think anyway! Let go and laugh.

  • Laugh at yourself. You are an incredibly beautiful and funny person! All of us have our moments. Yes, sometimes these are quite embarrassing moments, but over time, you start to realize how funny you really are.

Introduction to Humor Therapy Inservice - 50% OFF

This 60 minute introductory inservice is designed to assist the Recreation/Activity Director, or Staff Educator in providing an overview of Humor Therapy as utilized with older adults and elders.

This inservice comes with a handout, teacher's outline, certificate of attendance, inservice sign in sheet, flyer to announce the inservice, an interactive exercise, and an inservice evaluation form. Participants will be able to:

*define Humor Therapy.
*state at least 5 benefits/effects of Humor Therapy.
*name at least 5 Humor Therapy activities.

50% price cut ONLY $7 (reg $14) sent via email (PDF) for you to download
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