*All crystal power pouches (also called mojo bags) come with stones, a pouch, affirmation card, and printed instructions.


*Stones range from 3/4 to 1.25 inches and are tumbled, unless stated otherwise. Please allow for variation in the appearance of stones and color of bags.

*Shipping is within US and Canada. An invoice for shipping cost will be sent to your email for separate payment.

*Learn about shipping here.

*Updated 5/5/2024



These are hand-selected. You will not receive the exact one pictured.
Please allow for variations in appearance.

Psychic Boost Power Pouch

This power pouch contains some of my favorites for enhancing psychic abilities; communicating with spirit, past life recall, intuition, astral projections, lucid dreams, dream recall, clairvoyance, etc. Includes: Clear Quartz point, Angelite, Petrified Wood, Labradorite, Amethyst (1/2 inch), Sodalite (1/2 inch), Black Obsidian, Opalite (synthetic), velour bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.

Price: $24 + shipping


Feeling Good Empath Power Pouch

The energies of this power pouch are combined to assist empaths and those with clairsentient abilities, in clearing away unwanted energies as well as to heighten ones “feeling and sensing” abilities. This power pouch includes one of each: Satin Spar Selenite stick, Labradorite, Black Tourmaline rough, Blue Kyanite blade, Mangano Calcite, Amethyst, a velour bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.

Price: $17 + shipping


Abundance and Prosperity Power Pouch

This power pouch is designed to help you manifest abundance or prosperity. Abundance and prosperity can mean many different things to people so what shall you manifest today? Includes one of each: Goldstone, Citrine (heated Amethyst), Nephrite Jade, Clear Quartz, Pyrite rough nugget,

organza bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.


Price: $14 + shipping


Work It Power Pouch

The energies of this power pouch are combined to help you stay focused, take action, enhance communication, bring forth growth and opportunities, and lessen stress. This pouch may be used at your work, school, whatever or wherever that may be, projects, charity work, committee work, etc. Includes one of each: Spotted Agate, Blue Calcite, Fluorite, Green Aventurine, Fire Quartz,organza bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.

Price: $12.95 + shipping


Grounding Power Pouch

Feeling a little spacy or disconnected? This power pouch will help to ground your energy so you can focus and connect to Mother Earth. Get your feet on the ground. You have a mission to accomplish! Includes one of each: Spotted Agate, Red Jasper, Hematite, Tiger Iron, Black Sardonyx, velour bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.

Price: $12.95 + shipping


Sun and Moon Power Pouch

This power pouch is designed to help you connect with the glorious energies of the sun and the moon. Includes one of each: Large Moonstone, large Satin Spar Selenite hand polished, Citrine (heated Amethyst), small Sunstone, organza bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.


Price: $10.50 + shipping


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Stress Buster Power Pouch

We all have stress in our lives from time to time. This power pouch is designed to help you with stress relief, love, joy, peace, balance, and transmuting negative energies. Be blessed, not stressed! Includes one of each: Smokey Quartz (may have been artificially irradiated), Rose Quartz, Lepidolite, Blue Quartz, Halite rough, velour bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.

Price: $14 + shipping


Mercury in Retrograde Power Pouch

Mercury in Retrograde happens a few times a year. It can be a time of confusion, forgetfulness, miscommunication, reflection, letting go and taking care of the soul. Includes one of each: Amazonite, Sodalite, Satin Spar, Fluorite, Black Tourmaline rough, velour bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.

Price: $14 + shipping


Spiritual Protection Power Pouch

This powerful pouch is designed to help keep the negative or unwanted energies away, so that you can go about your day feeling great. Say bye-bye negativity! Includes one of each: Black Kyanite blade, Smokey Quartz, Black Onyx, Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian rough, Golden Tiger Eye, velour bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.


Price:  $16 + shipping


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Find Your Bliss Power Pouch

Feeling a little blue or unmotivated? These are some of my favorite happy stones. This crystal power pouch is designed to put a little pep in your energetic step and play in your day. Includes one of each: Crazy Lace Agate, Gold Sheen Obsidian, Orange/Yellow Calcite, Gold Tiger Eye, Ocean Jasper, and Rose Quartz. velour bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.

Price: $15 + shipping


Ancient Knowledge Power Pouch

It is said that the ancients knew a lot about the way in which the universe works. This power pouch is designed to help you tap into some of this ancient wisdom, the Akashic Records and your past/alternative lives. Includes one of each: Clear Quartz, Tibetan Quartz point, Candle Quartz point, Lemurian Quartz point, Sodalite, Petrified Wood, velour bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.


currently unavailable


Angel Communication Power Pouch

This power pouch is designed to help you communicate with angels and spirit guides. Sometimes we really just need to be still and quiet so that we can perceive their contact, but this power pouch is an excellent tool to amp up your intentions and meditation experiences. Includes: Rose Quartz Angel, Rutilated Quartz rough, Chevron Amethyst, Angelite, Blue Kynite blade, velour bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.

Currently unavailable


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Sweet Dreams Power Pouch

This power pouch is designed to help you have a more restful sleep and improved dream recall. Night night and sweet dreams! Includes one of each: Smokey Quartz (may have been irradiated), Blue Quartz (may have been enhanced), Lepidolite, White Howlite, organza bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.

Price: $11.50 + shipping


Good Lovin' Power Pouch

This power pouch is designed to help you give and receive love more freely, as well as balance your heart chakra. If you are looking to live a more heart-centered life, then this power pouch is for you. Includes one of each: Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Green Aventurine, Unakite, Pink Botswana Agate, velour bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.

Price: $12.95 + shipping


Balance and Harmony Power Pouch - Will be discontinued

Feeling less than harmonious? Need a little balance in your life? This power pouch includes: Harmony Affirmation Stone, Yin Yang Quartz, Zebra Jasper, Tourmalated Quartz, velour bag, affirmation card, and printed directions. You may receive a black harmony stone or white one.


Currently unavailable


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Springtime Power Pouch - Is discontinued (2 avail)

This crystal power pouch is designed to help you connect to the energies of Spring. Includes: Tree Agate, Orange Calcite, Tiger Eye, Pyrite, and Emerald in a Spring cotton bag with affirmation card. Stones are rough 1-1.5 inches.
Note: Green Aventurine pictured, is not included.


$8 + shipping


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Green Thumb Power Pouch

Looking to give your plants some glorious crystal energy? This pouch has my favorites for plant growth. Includes: Moss Agate, Tree Agate, Green Aventurine, Clear Quartz point, velour bag, affirmation card and printed directions. My plants love it!



Price: $11 + shipping


Beach Energy Power Pouch - Will be discontinued

These Beach Power Pouches are designed to help you connect with the energy of the beach and ocean. Includes: Citrine (heat-treated Amethyst), Sunstone, Seashells, Aquamarine, Septarian Nodule, beach rock, Moonstone, Sea Urchin fossil, sea salt, large organza bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.

Price Reduced: $12 + shipping


Nurturing Nature Power Pouch

This crystal power pouch is designed to help you connect with the nurturing and grounding energies of nature. Includes: Tree Agate, Ocean Jasper, Moonstone, Mahogany Obsidian, Rainforest Rhyolite, Serpentine, Red Petrified Wood, large velour bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.


Price: $17 + shipping


Chakra Power Pouches

Chakras are energy centers located in the body and are said to affect our mind, body and spirit. A variety of crystal chakra power pouches are available for the following chakras: Earth Star, Root, sacral Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, 3rd Eye and Crown. Individual pouches are available as well as a set of all 8. Please visit the Chakra Products page to view and adopt.



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